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Loved and wanted her but she never wanted me

I met a girl at the University of Northern British Columbia. She is a freshman in my class. Things happened fast, we started dating. However, she wouldn’t tell anyone, she would lie to her friends about us being together. All I wanted was her, but of course so did everyone else. She was one of those hottest/coolest girls who is wanted by everyone but no one gets her. I was able to date her for few months but it ended as suddenly as it started. It is very painful but puts your life into different perspective. I was wasting my time with a girl that didn’t even want me. Now I am thinking about my ex. She was good, sweet, and I want her back. Problem is, she doesn’t want me. I know both of these girls are with the guys, I know for sure will not be there for them for long. Yet, they seem to be happy! They say be happy for the ones you love, but I can’t be happy!

Damn! I missed out on everything. I am a loser!


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