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I am a professional shoplifter in Prince George, Prince Rupert and Quesnel!

Yes! You have read it right. I was a professional shoplifeter. I did it for fun and for the strange feelings I got from this. The excitement was way better than drugs. The rush I get from shoplifting is unbelievable. I didn’t need anything specifically but I just enjoy doing it. I have shoplifted from most of the stores at Pine Center Mall and at Spruceland mall in Prince George. I also raided WalMart, Canadian Tire and most of the stores in College heights area. I also have raided shops in Prince Rupert and in Quesnel. I know stealing is bad but there is nothing else to do. I was only 15 and I did it till i was 20. When I tell my kids not to steal, stealing is bad, I feel bad about that.

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