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Confess/Share Your Secret

We guarantee absolute anonymity. We do not require your name. All we want is your story. If you want to share location or any other details that is entirely up to you.

How it works:

Your privacy is our utmost priority. No one will know who you are. Just to give you a piece of mind, we have implemented easy to confess/share mechanism. Here are the details:

  1. You will use the form below to submit your story or upload your picture.
  2. Help us with your subject line.
  3. Now add the story. You can copy and paste it from any word programs.
  4. Verify that you are a person.
  5. Submit.
  6. Editors receive an email with your story/picture or pictures.
  7. After going through it, modifying it if required we will publish it right away. It takes about 24 hours.
  8. Sometimes if a post is too small it will be published under “One Liners” section.
  9. Pictures will linked back to mysecrets.
  10. By submitting your experience, you give us permission to use this for any current or future publications of any form.
  1. (required)