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Posts Tagged ‘sex with younger girl’

Sex with a younger girl

Friday, August 29th, 2014

I met this girl online once. She said she was 19. She seemed very mature about it. I did not think to push it further and investigate. She stood me up once. Something was telling me to just leave her alone, but I gave her another chance. From that first day we met she was willing to crash over my place. Get all her stuff. She wanted to crash for at least 2 weeks. But I said whatever.

We end up having sex. But something was odd. She was extremely tight and some of the positions were uncomfortable for her.
I never came in her or anything. Really, there were instances where she just rubbed and played on my balls while I ejaculated. And when she said that she “almost” loved me, I knew something wasn’t right. Plus I noticed that she lied a lot. It was her friends that ended up telling me her age. I put her out as soon as I heard that. I was petrified. Even though she was a liar, she was a very cool person and knew how good of a guy I was. But I never want to see the likes of her again. Good thing she moved out of town afterwords.