Confessions of a Single dad in Victoria
It’s 5am on an early Sunday morning. I have my three kids with me for the weekend. I’m awake. My three kids are asleep. One girl 2 boys. The girl is 9 years old, 2 boys are 4 and 6. Sitting here in the living room, I see my house is littered with weekends mess. MacDonald’s and Wendy’s wrapper, Domino’s pizza box, old toys, new toys, Barbie in her toy car and toy guns, board game from last night, controllers for the Wii is peeking from the mess and some stuff I really have no clue from here what they are. If someone decent walks in right now they may think its bio-hazard. Definitely kids made this mess. Even though it will take me a day or two to clean all these mess, I feel so very lucky and loved. I am sitting around and soaking it all in and have a smile on my face, because just before I sat down here I checked on all my three babies and all are sleeping like angels. I forget all the fights, bad words, and hatefulness my ex-wife and I experienced at times. None of that really matters now. Right now I just want to thank her so much for bringing these children in my life. I have to admit I wasn’t happy the last few years with my ex-wife. I was not the easiest person to deal with at times. I won’t go into details. There are two sides to every story and right now this isn’t about us. It’s simply amazing how at times children can use up every last bit of your time, patience, and money. Yet you can’t help but think how privileged you are to be called “daddy” by these beautiful children. In an hour or two all of them will be up and bring my house back to life. Even before I would know it, I have to get them ready to bring them back to their mother’s. I will be back to an empty/lonely house and long for the next weekend.
Tags: Victoria