Shopping mall sex with my wife
Back in 200 I was again living in Canfield, Ohio. She is very adventurous and would try anything at least once … sexually. On a number of occasions her and I would go to the various malls and shop for “lingerie.” Numerous times we both went into the dressing rooms and always to one degree or another fooled around. At the least a good grope and other times full on sex. On one occasion in the Victoria’s Secret store we came out of the dressing room we were met by the manager. Another customer of the store had made a complaint about there being a MAN in the women’s dressing room and apparently engaging in acts of a likely intimate nature. A quick glance around the area quickly made clear the woman making the complaint was standing well within earshot as I loudly told the manager “I did not understand what the big deal was.” Nevertheless, we were asked to please shop somewhere else. We went back to Victoria’s Secret but just not the same store. We even tried it when we went to visit family in Prince George at the Pine Center Mall’s Le Senza and La Vie en Rose stores without any issues. I like the thrill of having sex at the shopping mall.
Tags: Canfield, mall sex, Ohio, Prince George, public sex, secret dressing room sex, secret mall sex, sex in dressing rooms