Dirty girl wanting to be satisfied by two men in one day
I have a little confession to make. I have always tried to put on that good girl image but deep down I am a naughty little girl. Even if everyone disagrees with me I know I am. But after I make this little confession you will know why I am too.
I had today off work and I called up a guy I know. I had nothing better to do so I went down to his place and I had sex with him. I enjoy sex with him but it always seems to go so fast. For me they are like little quickies even though they do last about ½ hour or so. I wasn’t really satisfied (never really am when I’m with him) so I came home and had a shower. I then phoned up another guy I know who I have sex with once in awhile and went down to his place to have sex with him. Yep, I had sex with two guys in a matter of hours. But even the second guy never really does anything for me.
They are both so different and wonderful in their own ways but either one of them really satisfy me. I have sex with them more because I am just craving sex then getting the enjoyment out of it. I love having sex so much that I want it all the time. I need to find one man that can do to me what only several men can. Even having sex for the second time that day I still wanted more. Is it wrong that I can’t be satisfied by two men in one day? I like that I am a dirty girl!
Tags: British Columbia, Prince George